Why Do Multifocal Cost So Much? Spend Less Money Online Shopping


How much progressive lenses cost is a question that has no clear solution. The cost is influenced by a number of variables. There are a few things you should be aware of while looking for eyewear with progressive lenses in order to make the best choice.

However, first

Progressive lenses: what are they?

Progressive lenses offer near, intermediate, and distance vision correction by combining many optical powers into a single lens. They lack the obvious line on a bifocal lens, making them preferable to bifocals in terms of visual quality and transition smoothness.

Check out our enormous collection of Progressive lenses, which are priced considerably less than retail.


The cost and quality of frames with progressive lenses vary depending on a variety of variables. Discover the five key elements that affect progressive lens pricing by reading on.

Purchasing Glasses: Where to Go

No of the type of lens, purchasing your glasses at a typical brick-and-mortar store will immediately increase the cost of any frame. We provide progressive lenses at www.al-ainoptical.com for just a large discount compared to “offline” stores and other internet merchants.

Lens Composition

Generally speaking, a lens will cost more the thinner and lighter it is. It’s crucial to remember that digital free-form technology is used to create the greatest progressive lenses (more on that in the design section).

Plastic polymers are used to make progressive lenses. For example, remaining a part works best with milder prescriptions. Stronger prescriptions can be made with higher density, smaller lenses, and clearer vision by using high-index plastic polymers.

Frame Design

Due to the incorporation of various optical powers, progressive lenses have a complex design. The cost is influenced by the size of the transition corridor, the smoothness of the transition between optical powers, and the amount of time required to adjust to the frame. Our progressive lenses are substantially less expensive than those found in retail and other online eyewear stores, and they were created with a smooth transition and a brief adjustment period in mind.


Numerous coatings are available to improve lenses. The most often used coating kinds are anti-reflective and anti-scratch. The cost of the glasses increases with the level of coating.

Company name           

Lastly, the brand you choose. Yes, as you might have anticipated, designer multifocal will cost you more than glasses from a lesser-known brand.

When you shop for multifocal online at www.al-ainoptical.com, you can get frames from our own brands in addition to designer labels like Ray-Ban, Oakley, Gucci, and many more, all at prices that can save you hundreds of dollars.

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